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This Is The Face of Genealogy

The LAWeekly website recently posted a brief article about the upcoming Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree being held in Burbank, California from June 10-12, 2011. As part of the article, they posted a photo that was an offensive way to advertise this very successful annual genealogy event and the field of genealogy itself.

[UPDATE: After many complaints from the genealogy community to LAWeekly, they have taken down the offensive photo and replaced it with an appropriate Jamboree photo.]

To the LAWeekly, its readers, and my readers…

These are some of the faces of MY genealogy:

Jacob & Anna Eisner

Jacob & Anna Eisner
New York City c. 1909

Abraham Palevsky

Abraham Palevsky

Mystery Men
Do you recognize them?

Who are the faces of YOUR genealogy?

For more Faces of Genealogy, please visit:

The Face of Genealogy on GeneaBloggers
The Face of Genealogy on Facebook

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