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New Webinars! Genetic Genealogy Demystified: Reading and Understanding Your Family Tree DNA Results

BREAKING NEWS! Family Tree DNA is offering a 10% discount on select upgrade orders for attendees of our February 17 webinar! Discount is valid on the following upgrades: 12/25/37 to 67 markers, mtDNA/mtDNAPlus to mtFullSequence, Family Finder. Coupon code will be provided to live attendees at the end of the webinar.

Relative Roots is proud to announce the addition of two new genetic genealogy webinars to its schedule!

Thursday, February 17:
Genetic Genealogy Demystified: Reading and Understanding Your Family Tree DNA Results – Part 1: Y-DNA & mtDNA
You’ve taken the plunge and ordered a genetic genealogy DNA test from Family Tree DNA, but now that you have your results, you don’t understand them? This webinar is for you! Join us to learn how to read and understand your Y-DNA and mtDNA results, as well as get a virtual tour of your myFTDNA account.

Thursday, February 24:
Genetic Genealogy Demystified: Reading and Understanding Your Family Tree DNA Results – Part 2: Family Finder
You’ve taken the plunge and ordered a genetic genealogy DNA test from Family Tree DNA, but now that you have your results, you don’t understand them? This webinar is for you! Join us to learn how to read and understand your Family Finder results.

Both webinars will be given twice on the same day to accommodate different timezones:

Session A: 10am Pacific, 11am Mountain, 12pm Central, 1pm Eastern, 6pm GMT, 8pm Israel
Session B: 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern, 1am GMT (Friday), 11am Australia (Friday)

Registration is currently open for the February 17 webinar. Registration will open for the February 24 webinar by this Friday.

For more information or to register for a webinar, visit, scroll down to the schedule, add the session that you wish to attend to the shopping cart, and follow the instructions to complete payment and registration.

Each webinar costs just $10.

March is just around the corner!
The webinar schedule for March is currently being planned. The month will kick off with another free Genetic Genealogy for Beginners webinar on Tuesday, March 1. Registration for the March 1 webinar will open soon — check periodically for updates, or sign up for the Relative Roots Webinars Announcements List at the top of the Webinars page to receive registration and schedule updates by email.

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